Monday, October 31


Happy Halloween!!!!!!!

Friday, October 28

Gnome gnome nom

What's up gnomeboy? Making these costumes tonight owlright!
Happy Halloween weekend!!!

Upper West Night

Trekked up to 99th street last night to the arts & crafts store for our halloween costumes! Spending tonight carving pumpkins and making pumpkin pie! Roasting pumpkin seeds and watching good movies. Stay warm before the cold halloween weekend!

In love with this picture because cats are girls and dogs are boys.

Thursday, October 27

We heart Night Vested

Night Vested is now on We heart it. We're super duper new to it, but follow us and we'll follow you back!

Wednesday, October 26

Artists we lurk

Fellow RISD alum, Aaron Meshon is absolutely the bee's knees. Besides the fact that we are obsessed with French bulldogs (all dogs in general), there are white blobby steam ghosts all over the illustration above. So rad!

More frenchie and blobby love. So good!

Check out more of his amazing artwork at his website. And check out his lovely map of RISD below. Represent!

Dark stomach

Hump day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 25

Reach inside to read my thoughts

Do you lack communication skills? Trouble sharing what's on your mind? Or having trouble getting your man to tell you what's on his? Do you wish you could just stick your hand inside someone's head to know what they're thinking? (Demonstrated above but not recommended at all).

Try method TALK, which stands for Try A Little Kindness. And actual talking. Both work!

Monday, October 24

The Best Milk Ever

These need to become our new BFF bags immediately. Olympia Le-Tan Milk Bags! Being addicted to milk has never looked better.

Monday brains

Sneaky Monday snuck up on me this morning. Boo Boo Boo.

Friday, October 21

Pizza coma

Friday feels so alien. This is a result of a Night Vested pizza coma. Doesn't it look good? Cute, too. Have a good weekend everyone!!

He nose!!!

It's getting so chilly in New York City and even though it's Friday (!!!), all I want to do is stay in bed. Of course I dragged, I mean floated, out of bed and greeted the cold air. Good thing my feet never get cold.  I have none!

Thursday, October 20

Milk Jug Skeleton? Yes Please!

Craft featured a spectacular DIY milk jug skeleton that I had to share. I mean, look at this beauty:

He is so gorgeous and handsome! Complete with bow tie and an un-beating heart! Perfection! Check out the Craft post and make your own. Be inspired!

Ghosts don't have skeletons, but if they did they would probably look like this (and surrounded by ruby red flowers). Lovely, right?

We love pizza

Already thinking about what you're going to have for lunch? So are we. So are we... (It's Pizza!)

Wednesday, October 19

Bummer rain

Ghosts like to complain. "This weather sucks!" It's cold and the rain goes right through you. If you're in the same dilema, here are a couple suggestions to lighten your mood.

1. Soda and french fries!!
2. Hot chocolate!! with a cool glasses a fake nose with must-dashhh
3. Read a book. Feel good.
4. Double up on Ice Cream!!!!
5. Day dream with a mustacheeee!

Feel better yet? We do do do di do!

Draw a Stick Ghost...

Have you played Draw a Stick Man yet? Or in our case, draw an adorable non-stick ghost? Here are screencaps from our "Stick man" adventures.

Does that balloon look familiar? It should. See: Lion Soda

Who do you think won? It's obvious, right??

Doesn't look good. Can ghosts swim?
Start drawing and play here!

Tuesday, October 18

Afternoon pastels

I grew up really not digging pastels, but they are so right now. Look how delicious they make ghosts look. PRTYYYUMM
Ghosts in costume. What are you going to be??

Monday, October 17

Two weeks notice

What did one jack-o-lantern say to the other? Cut it out...
Halloween is in 14 days!!! Do you know what you're dressing up as? We'll be giving you great classic ideas up until Beggar's night. Today's idea is the pumpkin.
This is more subtle, a little adult, but still cool. 

And who else but Alexa Chung would dress up as a giant pumpkin? Win.

Friday, October 14

My tongue became a lightning bolt

Do you like all this rain? We cry tears, not rain. So rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. Night Vested wants to play.

Oh, happy Friday y'all!


This speaks for itself.

Thursday, October 13


And we're tumblin'!!! Night Vested is now on Tumblr. Hooray! Tumblr is best for puppies (See below),  and ghosts. This particular puppy is from the future/past. Night Vested has a soft spot for puppies. Heyyyy.

Follow us right now!

Wednesday, October 12

The Logo

This is where it all begin. These lines formed a friendship that still goes on and on from new york to providence and sometimes ohio. So this is our logo and we love it!

Pictured above: Night Vested as a fort.

Tuesday, October 11

lion soda

Introducing two things Night Vested love to haunt: Lions and soda. Night Vested is random, but these two things are forever! Cheers!

Monday, October 10

YEAH MONDAYS. Hope everyone had a great sunny weekend. Today one little Night Vested turns 25 years old! Spend the day pedaling those ghost legs ya'll!

Friday, October 7

Good Night Vested

We are two happy girls that like design, music, fashion, vinyl toys, soda, pizza and ghosts. Thanks for visiting!